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A Navigate U Step-by-Step Guide
Tackling High-DEWI Course Rates


This guide provides a comprehensive approach to monitoring and addressing high-DEWI (D Grade, E Grade, Withdraw, and Incomplete) rated courses at the University of Utah. It includes a timeline for regular reviews, strategies for data analysis, engagement with faculty, and interventions to improve course outcomes.

Action Steps

  1. Access the DEWI Dashboard to review your school/college’s top DEWI courses
  2. Utilize this survey to identify project point person and timeline
  3. Analyze the courses within your school/college on the dashboard. Here are resources:
    1. EAB Reducing DFW Rates
    2. APLU Powered by Publics
  4. Develop a preliminary action plan targeting high-DEWI courses with department heads and faculty (3 months before semester begins). Elements for Consideration:
    1. Enhanced Student Support Are We Offering: Tutoring Services, Peer Mentoring, Supplemental Instruction, Student Success Coaching
    2. Course Design Improvements: Review Course Structure, Engaging Pedagogy, Assessment Alignment; the MBECTE can support this work
    3. Proactive Student Engagements: Early Alerts in Navigate U, Regular Check-Ins with Students, Feedback Mechanisms
    4. Faculty Development and Support: Professional Development, Best Practices Sharing, Mentorship Programs; the MBECTE can support this work
    5. Resources
  5. Validate your Tackling High-DEWI plans with MBECTE
  6. Implement any necessary adjustments to course design or support services
  7. Conduct a mid-semester review of DEWI rates and adjust strategies as needed, including collecting student feedback for analysis
  8. Conduct an end of the semester analysis and adjust strategies as needed for the following semester

An intentional plan will allow the U to effectively monitor DEWI rates across the institution to propel the exceptional education experience for every student.

By following this guide, the University of Utah can effectively monitor and address high-DEWI rated courses, ensuring better student outcomes and overall course success. Regular data reviews, proactive engagement with faculty, department heads, and a commitment to innovation will propel
the Associate Deans as student success leaders who reduce DEWI rates, meet student needs, enhance the student experience, and ensure every student can have an exceptional educational experience. #NavigateU

Last Updated: 10/7/24